Bano Amin (The inspiration for many women) Lady Nusrat al Amin commenly known as 'Bano Amin' ( b. 1312 /1895 - d. 1403 /1983) She wrote the book Rawesh-e Khoshbakhti (The Way of Achieving Prosperity). She quotes: “If a body limb becomes sick, other limbs would not remain healthy” and “Women are the pillars of society; if they are unethical, the entire society will become corrupt, especially if their immoral deeds are open to the public.” In another part, she writes: O you woman who have uncovered your hijab! and in such a shameful way display your finery in the streets and passages in the public while you claim that you are a Muslim! Do you not realize that through this action, which you should not consider unimportant, that you inflict great damage on religion? O Europeanized woman! Do not consider this sin unimportant. If you are truly a Muslim, this is not Islamic. If you do not believe in Islamic teachings, declare your disbelief, so that your wrong action does not encou...
A blog about Islam and sufism merged together. Here you will find every article related to Islam, Sufism, Qur'anic teachings, Quranic Waqiyas, Islamic Stories and many more. Also, various poetries of ALLAMA IQBAL and RUMI (MASNAVI) will also be the part of this blog. The verses from Qur'an and Hadith will be discussed and furthermore, speeches of various Peers and Muftis (Pir Saqib Shami, Mufti Salman Azhari)will be shared INSHA ALLAH . Please share this blog too to your friends.